Is Your Air Conditioning System Ready for Summer?

How to Keep Your Western North Carolina Home Comfortable Year-Round

Summer in Western North Carolina is usually hot and humid, with temperatures reaching into the 90s or higher. The humidity can make it feel even hotter, as the air doesn't move as it does in drier areas. For those who don't have an effective air conditioner system installed, summertime can be more than uncomfortable, it can be unbearable.

Luckily, we offer quality air conditioning maintenance services that can help keep your Asheville or Weaverville home comfortable throughout the summer season. It’s important to keep up with regular maintenance to prevent more serious problems that can occur when the unit is running inefficiently or improperly. Proper maintenance will help ensure that your AC unit functions at its optimal level, helping you control indoor temperatures and improving air quality.

By being proactive about taking care of your home's air conditioning systems, you can save money on major repairs and prevent inconvenient breakdowns on hot summer days.

Important Air Conditioning Maintenance Items

While some aspects of air conditioning maintenance are best left to a professional technician, there are several things you can take care of on your own without assistance. However, maintenance will always vary depending on the make, model, and type of air conditioning unit that you have in your Asheville or Weaverville home.

If you have questions about your home’s air conditioning system, don’t hesitate to contact our team!

Clean and Replace Filters

One of the most important maintenance items to keep up with is cleaning and replacing your AC unit's filters regularly. Cleaning or replacing a dirty filter can help ensure that your AC unit functions efficiently and isn't backed up by dust and debris, helping you control your home's temperature and improving indoor air quality.

This is a relatively simple maintenance item and can usually be taken care of without professional assistance. New filters can usually be purchased at a hardware store, and you can clean your current ones with a vacuum or a gentle cleaning solution. Filters should generally be replaced every 90 days, depending on their condition.

Clean Ductwork

Dirty ducts and vents can cause numerous issues in your home. If you notice a burnt smell when your heater is running, it could be a sign that your ductwork needs to be cleaned. Cleaning your ductwork regularly helps ensure that dust and debris don't build up, which can lead to poor indoor air quality, inefficient operation, and costly repairs down the road.

For optimal results, your ductwork should be cleaned by a professional HVAC technician who has the correct tools for the job. In addition to cleaning your ducts, you should also ask about having them sealed to ensure that your air conditioning system is running efficiently without bleeding air through cracks in your ducts.

Clean Condenser Unit

If your home relies on central air conditioning, you'll have an outdoor condenser unit that also needs to be taken care of. During the winter months, when your AC isn't in use, it's best to keep your condenser unit covered to avoid the buildup of debris such as snow and leaves. When the weather starts to warm up again, remove the cover and give your condenser a good cleaning before cooling your home.

 To clean your condenser unit, start by turning off the power. You can give it a basic exterior cleaning with a hose, brush, and gentle cleaning solution. Inspect the unit and the surrounding area and clear away any debris that may have accumulated during the winter. For more in-depth care, it's recommended to contact a professional!

Have a Professional Technician Conduct a Full Inspection

While you can DIY your AC maintenance a bit, there are important maintenance items that are best left to the professionals. Having a professional technician conduct a full inspection of your air conditioning system is a great way to ensure that it will run efficiently and smoothly throughout the summer months.

A professional technician will be able to:

  • Check airflow through the evaporator coils
  • Check for refrigerant leaks
  • Inspect belts for wear and tear
  • Lubricate motors
  • Verify electronic control sequences

They'll also be able to recommend any necessary upgrades or adjustments to ensure that your AC unit is running at its best. By taking this proactive approach, you can help avoid unnecessary breakdowns during the hot summer months and save money on costly repairs down the road.

Trust  for your Air Conditioning Maintenance Needs

If you’d like to get ahead of schedule and have your air conditioning system inspected by a professional, our team would be more than happy to assist you. Our technicians are thoroughly trained and have the experience to handle various air conditioning maintenance tasks.

To get your system primed for the summer months, we’ll even conduct our Aire Serv Total Comfort Tune Up. Whether your home relies on central air, a ductless split system, or you have a window unit you’d like us to inspect, our team can address all of your individual concerns and keep your home cool all year long!

To learn more about our air conditioning maintenance services in Asheville and Weaverville, contact us online or call today!