Heat Pump vs Furnace: Which One Should You Choose?

When it comes to heating your home, deciding between a heat pump and a furnace can be a difficult decision. Both have their advantages and disadvantages, and it comes down to your specific needs, preferences, and budget.

In this blog post, we will discuss some differences between a heat pump and a furnace. Our hope is that you can make an informed decision about which one to choose for your home.

Consideration #1: Energy Efficiency

One of the main differences between a heat pump and a furnace is energy efficiency. A heat pump uses electricity to transfer heat from one place to another. A furnace uses natural gas or oil to create heat.

A heat pump is more energy efficient than a furnace, as it can provide both heating and cooling, while a furnace can only provide heating. Here in Collierville, TN - we can have cold days during winter, but we aren't considered a cold climate. Therefore, a heat pump may be a good choice for you to help you save money on your energy bills.

Consideration #2: Initial Cost

Another factor to consider when choosing between a heat pump and furnace is the initial cost. A heat pump is generally a little less expensive to install than a furnace.

Typically, homeowners will replace both their heating and cooling system at the same time. Since a heat pump heats and cools your home, it's just one unit to install. As such, heat pump installation costs will probably be lower than if you were replacing both the AC and furnace.

Consideration #2: Maintenance and Repairs

Heat pumps and furnaces require regular maintenance and repairs to keep them running. However, the type and frequency of maintenance varies between the two.

A heat pump requires regular cleaning of its outdoor coil, as well as periodic refrigerant checks and replacement. A furnace requires regular filter changes and occasional inspections of its heat exchanger, gas valve, and thermostat.

When it comes to repairs, a heat pump is generally less expensive to repair than a furnace, as it involves less labour and fewer parts.

We Can Help You Choose Which is Right for You

Choosing between a heat pump and a furnace requires careful consideration of your specific needs and budget. There are a lot of scenarios and pros and cons to consider. Thankfully, our HVAC contractors are here to help.

We're locally owned and operated in Collierville, TN. We're familiar with our climate and which heating systems are best for various scenarios. Between all our technicians, we have over 100 years of industry experience. We're well-equipped to help you choose whether a heat pump or furnace is right for you.

Ultimately, the decision comes down to your budget and personal preferences. Give us a call or request a consultation online today. We’ll be happy to help you choose the right heating system. We offer financing for system installs and replacements.