Are Your Window AC Units Costing You More? Here’s How to Know

Outdoor window air conditioning units on an old New York City brick apartment building with green plants along a sidewalk | Aire Serv of Springfield, Illinois
As a homeowner in Springfield, IL, you’re always looking for ways to cut costs and save money, right? One area where you may be overspending is cooling your home this summer. Window air conditioning units may seem more cost-effective, but in some cases, they can be more expensive than opting for a new HVAC system.

Our team at Aire Serv of Springfield, Illinois, helps outline various ways for you to know if your window AC units are costing you more than a new AC system. We’ll cover energy efficiency, maintenance costs, lifespan, and environmental impact. By the end of this post, you’ll have a clear idea of whether it’s time to upgrade your cooling system or work with what you have.

Energy Efficiency

Window AC units are notorious for being energy hogs. They often require more energy than central air conditioning systems to cool the same amount of space. In addition, older window units are even less efficient. HVAC systems, on the other hand, have options for high-efficiency units that can drastically reduce your energy bills. One example is a geothermal heat pump, which can reduce energy use by up to 70%. When considering energy efficiency, factoring in your home’s insulation and sealing is important. A well-insulated home with minimal air leakage will require less cooling, regardless of the type of system you use.

Maintenance Costs

Often, window AC units require regular, ongoing maintenance to keep them running smoothly. This includes cleaning the filters, checking the condenser coil, and ensuring proper drainage. If you don’t keep up with this maintenance, your unit could easily break down and require expensive repairs. HVAC systems also require maintenance, but typically on a less frequent basis. They also have longer warranties, which can provide peace of mind and cost savings in the event of a major repair.


Window AC units typically have a much shorter lifespan than HVAC systems. A window unit may last anywhere from 5-10 years, while an HVAC system can last 15-20 years with proper maintenance. If your window unit is nearing the end of its life, it may be more cost-effective in the long run to invest in an HVAC system that will last longer and require less frequent replacement.

Environmental Impact

HVAC systems have a smaller environmental impact than window AC units. They use less energy and often have more eco-friendly refrigerant options. However, the electricity used to power window units often comes from fossil fuel sources, which release carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases when burned. These emissions contribute to climate change and global warming. In addition, HVAC systems can also provide options for air purification and humidity control, which not only help your family breathe easier but can also benefit the environment. Consider the long-term impact of your cooling choices when deciding between a window AC unit and an HVAC system.

Other Factors

When deciding between a window AC unit and an HVAC system, there are other factors to consider, such as the following:

  • Climate: An HVAC system can provide heating and cooling, a more cost-effective option for Springfield residents requiring both.
  • Customizable Zoning: Window units are portable and can be easily installed or removed. They offer flexibility in terms of cooling specific areas as needed. HVAC systems require professional installation and are integrated into the structure of the building. They provide consistent cooling throughout the entire space.
  • Aesthetics: Depending on personal preferences and architectural style, you’ll want to consider how your window unit will look or if your HVAC system is in a visible area. The outdoor unit can be hidden or positioned inconspicuously, maintaining the aesthetic appearance of the building.
  • Noise Level: Window units can produce noticeable noise due to the compressor and fan being located inside the room. HVAC systems can house noisy components, such as compressors and fans, outside the living areas.

Evaluating these factors is important based on your specific needs and preferences. Consulting with HVAC professionals can provide further guidance in making an informed decision.

AC Replace and Installation is Right Around the Corner!

Consider a professional HVAC assessment if you’re still unsure whether your window AC units are costing you more. Aire Serv of Springfield, Illinois, offers AC replacement and installation services that can help you decide on the best cooling option for your home and get it installed for you.

Remember factors such as energy efficiency, maintenance costs, lifespan, and environmental impact should all be considered when deciding between a window AC unit and an HVAC system. By making an informed decision, you can save money and enjoy a more comfortable home.

Contact us for more information and request an appointment today.