Residential Heating and Air Conditioning Services

Today’s HVAC systems are modern marvels, keeping our homes comfortable and cozy all year long. With proper maintenance, these systems can be relatively worry-free. Fail to monitor your unit closely, though, and you may find yourself dealing with a breakdown. In such moments, skip the endless searches for “heating services near me.” Aire Serv® provides comprehensive maintenance and repairs for residential heating and cooling systems on a schedule that works with your busy life. Learn more about our residential heating and cooling services:

  • Air Conditioner Repair and Replacement
  • Air Duct Repair and Replacement
  • Boiler Repair and Replacement
  • Commercial Fan Repair and Installation
  • Dehumidifier Repair and Replacement
  • Ductless Split AC System Repair and Replacement
  • Furnace Repair and Replacement
  • Geothermal Heating and Cooling Repair and Replacement
  • Heat Pump Installation and Replacement
  • Heater Repair and Replacement
  • HVAC and Air Duct Cleaning
  • Radiator Repair and Replacement
  • Thermostat Repair and Replacement

Inflation Reduction Act Rebates And Tax Credits

The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) is a concerted effort to dramatically reduce emissions, slash Americans’ energy costs, create high-paying jobs, and boost our country’s efforts to address the growing climate crisis. Click the link below to learn more about how the IRA rebates can help your family.

Explore Rebates

Contact Us

You can abandon the search for “the best heating and air conditioning services near me” now that you’ve found us. The experts at Aire Serv will provide results when you need them most. All of our work is backed by the Neighborly Done Right Promise, which ensures that we’ll get the job done right every time. Contact us for outstanding residential heating and air conditioning services today!

Air Conditioner Repair and Replacement

When your air conditioner is acting up, you can depend on our residential air conditioning service professionals. We will identify and fix refrigerant leaks, electrical issues, motor and fan malfunctions, clogged filters, and faulty thermostats. Should a replacement unit be necessary, we’ll guide you through your options and help you make the most informed decisions possible.

Air Duct Repair and Replacement

Air ducts are out of sight and out of mind — at least until they need repairing. Over time, they can become clogged with debris, develop leaks, or become damaged. This makes your HVAC system work harder to maintain your desired temperature. In turn, you may see higher utility bills, increased energy consumption, and reduced indoor air quality. Our team can seal leaks, clean ducts, and replace damaged portions of your ductwork to improve efficiency and extend the life of your system.

Boiler Repair and Replacement

Our residential heating service includes identifying and fixing boiler issues as they arise. We can replace damaged parts, flush the system, and repair wiring and electrical components. In some cases, though, a complete replacement may be required. Allow us to guide you through your options and make recommendations for a boiler that’s more modern and energy-efficient.

Commercial Fan Repair and Installation

Commercial fans are essential for circulating fresh air through a building. When they malfunction, Aire Serv can perform a diagnostic assessment and make necessary repairs, including replacing damaged parts, replacing the motor or blades, and repairing electrical or wiring components if needed. And when it’s time for a new fan altogether, we can help with installation, too.

Dehumidifier Repair and Replacement

Dehumidifiers are great for reducing moisture in the air and making a space feel more comfortable. When they malfunction, you can trust our team to identify the issue and make the appropriate repairs. By replacing clogged air filters, repairing parts, and replacing damaged components, we’ll have your dehumidifier up and running again in no time. If your unit has reached the end of its lifespan, we can make recommendations tailored to your specific needs for a replacement before installing it.

Ductless Split AC System Repair and Replacement

Refrigerant leaks, compressor problems, and clogged air filters are common in ductless air conditioning systems. When such problems arise, air conditioning services can provide timely, cost-effective solutions. If your system is outdated and no longer up to par, allow us to replace it with a new, more energy-efficient unit.

Furnace Repair and Replacement

Rising utility bills, excessive noise, and decreased indoor comfort are common signs that your furnace needs service. Your local Aire Serv’s residential heating services provide routine furnace maintenance, repair, or replacement as required. Our HVAC specialists are certified on all residential furnace brands and can advise you on energy-efficient upgrades.

Geothermal Heating and Cooling Repair and Replacement

The next time your geothermal system experiences leaks in the ground loop, faulty heat pumps, or distribution system issues, count on Aire Serv for repairs. If your system is reaching the end of its lifespan, we provide comprehensive replacement services that will help keep you comfortable all year long.

Heat Pump Installation and Replacement

When heat pumps start to break down, you may notice your thermostat struggling to maintain your preferred temperature. This inevitably leads to higher utility bills. Allow Aire Serv to diagnose and address issues such as refrigerant leaks and faulty compressors. If your existing unit is on its way out, we can upgrade your system with a more efficient model.

Heater Repair and Replacement

Blocked flue pipes, failed electrical components, and flame sensor issues all cause your home’s heater to malfunction. Our heating services provide insight into the problem at hand, offer solutions, and replace broken components (or sometimes the entire system) if necessary. When your local Aire Serv team is on the call, you’re never left out in the cold waiting for service.

Humidifier Repair and Replacement

When your humidifier isn’t working as it should, allow our team to clean and replace the water filter, repair broken wiring, and replace any damaged parts. With the help of Aire Serv, your unit will be back up and running in no time.

HVAC and Air Duct Cleaning

Over time, your HVAC system and air ducts become clogged with dust, dirt, and other debris. This makes your unit work harder, reduces efficiency, and shortens the life of your system. Allow our team to thoroughly clean your ducts by brushing, vacuuming, and air-sweeping them. We’ll also clean your HVAC unit, including the blower, coils, and other components, so your system performs at peak efficiency.

Radiator Repair and Replacement

Leaks, clogs, and other types of damage to your radiator are inevitable. When such issues crop up, trust our team to flush the system, repair leaks, and replace damaged valves and fins. If repairs happen frequently, a replacement may be necessary. We can shed light on your options and provide comprehensive installation services so you and your family stay comfortable throughout the year.

Thermostat Repair and Replacement

Most people only give their thermostat a second thought when it starts providing inaccurate temperature readings or the buttons become unresponsive. When this happens, trust your local Aire Serv team to find a fix. We can recalibrate your thermostat, repair broken wiring, replace dead batteries, or we can install a new, more efficient, and convenient smart thermostat.

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