Types of AC Units We Can Install & Replace

Our HVAC specialists can offer informed and reliable advice on what system is best for your property. If your building lacks ductwork, ductless mini-splits will likely be the ideal choice. The humidity levels, season averages, and general climate will also affect the size, type, and economic value of the AC system you choose. If you live in a dry climate, a swamp cooler may be a cost-effective option. By working within the parameters of your property and geographical location, we will help you find the most energy and cost-efficient air conditioner.

Four outside air conditioning units.

Once you’ve decided to purchase a new air conditioner the next decision is which unit to choose, popular types of AC systems include:

  • Split Systems
  • Standard Central Air Conditioners
  • Ductless Mini-Splits
  • Portable, Window, and Wall Units
  • Evaporative Coolers (AKA Swamp Coolers)

No matter what type of AC you purchase, we recommend selecting an energy-efficient model. The average air condition accounts for more than 50% of energy bills during summer. This energy also emits pollution. By choosing an energy-efficient unit, you will save money and help lower your home’s carbon footprint at the same time! It is a win-win decision.

Professional AC Replacement Services Near Me

If your air conditioner has broken down or grown outmoded, it might be time to update your HVAC system. Aire Serv of Billings is here to help. We specialize in replacing air conditioners efficiently and affordably. Our team can help you find an energy-efficient air conditioner to significantly reduce your electric bills. We will also follow every guideline precisely to ensure your unit is installed perfectly and ready to run smoothly for a long time.

Upon request, we are more than happy to provide preventative maintenance and cost-effective HVAC repairs. Sometimes, however, the best option is to make the leap and upgrade to a new AC unit. If your air conditioning unit is over 15 years old, there is a high likelihood that repair and upkeep costs will significantly increase. Factoring in the increased monthly utility costs of running an old/inefficient unit and investing in a new HVAC unit becomes the wisest option. By reducing monthly electricity bills and running smoothly, upgrading to a new AC unit can even save you money in the long run.

If you have questions about our AC replacement services, contact us online or call us today!

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