Tired of cleaning dust buildup on the air vents throughout your home? More than unsightly, dust can make your HVAC system less eff
Finding the right temperature for your water heater can be a challenge. Many homeowners aren’t even aware they can adjust their water heater temperature themselves.
Searched the ends of the World Wide Web trying to figure out what energy efficient improvements are tax deductible? Unfortunately,
Stay cool in the summer heat without maxing-out your electric bill - don’t forget to switch the direction of your ceiling fa
Before summer’s heat sets in and leaves you sweltering with a burned-out AC system, it may be time to upgrade the relic curr
In the U.S., energy use is divided into four sectors: residential, commercial, industrial, and transportation. Just as in our home
It’s every homeowner’s goal to maintain a comfortable living space without racking up ridiculous utility bills. One ef
Do you know much about your HVAC system? If you have central air conditioning, you have an air filter in place that traps contamin
You may be in the know about the Clean Air Act regarding the phase out of R22 refrigerant supplies, but are you aware of the benef