Bringing home a new baby is a joyful yet stressful time. You want to get everything just right, including choosing the ideal room temperature for a newborn. A chilly nursery can make your baby fussy, but an overheated one could be even more dangerous. To ensure your infant is both safe and comfortable, follow these tips from the experts at Aire Serv®.
The Dangers of Overheating Your Baby’s Room
The common assumption is that newborns require warm temperatures to mimic conditions in the womb. However, an overheated nursery may increase the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) in babies ranging from one to 12 months old.
This terrifying condition occurs when babies are unable to wake when something goes awry with their physiology. An overheated sleeping baby is more likely to remain unconscious rather than stirring and crying in alarm when something’s wrong. Then, by the time a parent arrives to check on the child, irreparable harm has already been done.
Set the Ideal Room Temperature for a Newborn
To help decrease the chance of SIDS, strive to keep the nursery at 68 to 72 degrees F in all seasons. Temperatures of up to 75 degrees are acceptable in very hot climates. The rest of the house can stay at the recommended 68 degrees in the winter and 78 degrees in the summer since SIDS is only a concern while babies are sleeping.
To maintain a safe, comfortable house temperature for your baby in the summer:
- Use light bedding and dress your baby in seasonal clothing.
- Locate the nursery in a cool part of the house, such as a north-facing room, on the same floor as your bedroom.
- Install an attic ventilator to help the air conditioner perform better.
- Make sure the crib is positioned away from supply registers to prevent cold air from blowing directly on your baby.
- Only open a window in the nursery if the outdoor temperature allows.
- Consider using a fan to improve air circulation and drown out noises, but don’t point it directly at the infant.
- Make sure your baby gets plenty of fluids to remain well hydrated.
- Watch for signs of overheating, which include sweating, damp hair, rapid breathing, flushed cheeks, and heat rash. If you see these indicators, remove one or more layers of clothing to help your baby cool off.
To maintain a safe, comfortable house temperature for your baby in the winter:
- Dress your baby in one extra layer, such as a sleep sack over his or her pajamas. Be careful not to over-bundle, especially if the child has a fever, which further increases body temperature.
- Keep comforters, quilts, and blankets out of the crib to avoid overheating and the risk of suffocation.
- Don’t put a hat on your baby at bedtime. The head is important for body temperature regulation, and a hat may stifle this.
- If the nursery requires a space heater, do not place it near the crib. Also, direct the flow of warm air away from your baby.
Aire Serv Can Help You and Your Baby Stay Safe and Comfortable
When it comes to regulating your baby’s temperature, nothing is more important than a functioning furnace and air conditioner. Turn to the experts at Aire Serv for help maintaining, repairing, and replacing your HVAC equipment as needed. We can also install programmable thermostats and zoning systems to help you customize the temperature in your baby’s room.
For more heating and cooling tips, or to schedule HVAC services in your area, please contact Aire Serv today!