Professional Split System AC Repair in Springfield, IL

Keep Your Home Cool with Aire Serv of Springfield Illinois

Aire Serv of Springfield Illinois offers split system AC repair services to customers in Illinois. If you live in Chatham, Williamsville, Pleasant Plains, or Dawson, our expert team will reach you with professional services. When your AC unit decides to malfunction, it can create an uncomfortable environment to live in. With the help of our team, you can stay on track with convenient living by hiring us for routine maintenance and repairs. We are dedicated to ensuring your system stays functioning as normal regularly. Contact us today to schedule your appointment for service.

Aire Serv tech arriving to work on ductless split AC system

Expert Split System AC Repair at Your Service

Keeping your home cool can become much harder when experiencing signs of excessive moisture, impaired parts, or a broken mini-split system. Running your system while it's broken can cause even more detrimental problems, leading to additional costs. If you notice issues with your unit, you shouldn't wait to have it checked. Our team at Aire Serv of Springfield Illinois is dedicated to helping you whenever you need it most.

What Types of Systems Do We Repair?

We service all types of models to ensure you receive care from a fully-trained team of individuals. We hire only the most equipped so your system can function year-round. No matter the size, shape, or scenario, we're here to help you at the drop of a dime. Here is a list of the units we can repair:

  • Single-zone units
  • Multi-zone units
  • Wall-mounted units
  • Floor-mounted units

What Kinds of Repairs Can We Make? 

Our team can make all kinds of ductless AC repairs, no matter what issue you're experiencing with your system. If the electrical functions are not staying up to speed or you've noticed leaking around the unit, these are problems we know how to fix. We also can fix other matters like the following:

  • Electrical connection errors
  • Faulty or broken thermostat
  • Water or refrigerant leaks
  • Short-cycling
  • Frozen coils
  • Clogged drain lines
  • Faulty or broken fan

How to Tell If You Need a Replacement

If you have called for a few repairs and the costs keep increasing, consider a complete ductless AC replacement. We will help you pick the suitable unit that is just as good or better than the one you've had. Once installed, we'll dispose of your old unit, so you don't have to worry about it. Here are the following reasons why you may need to replace your system:

  • Significant efficiency decrease
  • Major leaks
  • Old age (10-20 years)

Frequently Asked Questions

Aire Serv of Springfield Illinois knows how important it is to keep our customers in the loop on our style and service methods. We are happy to answer any questions about our offerings, so you know what to expect before scheduling. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions we receive:

How can I clean mini-split filters? 

To clean the washable filters in your indoor unit:

  1. Start by turning off the unit.
  2. Open the front panel and carefully remove the plastic mesh filters.
  3. Rinse them gently under warm water to remove dust and dirt. You can use a mild detergent to remove any stubborn grime if necessary.
  4. After cleaning, let the filters air dry completely before putting them back into the units. You should do this cleaning every month or when you notice a significant dirt buildup.

Why is my ductless mini-split not cooling? 

Several factors can lead to this problem, such as:

  • Refrigerant leak
  • Thermostat error
  • Dirty filters
  • Icy condenser coils

The only way to accurately identify the issue is through an in-person inspection. Reach out to your nearby Aire Serv to arrange for service.

Why is my mini-split icing over? 

Mini-split systems can often freeze up for a couple of reasons. One common cause is low refrigerant levels. Refrigerant plays a vital role in absorbing heat, so if your mini-split has insufficient refrigerant, it has to work extra hard to cool the air, sometimes causing it to freeze. Another reason could be dirty condenser coils. When these coils are covered in dirt and grime, your unit can't work efficiently, leading to overworking and excessive cooling, resulting in freezing.

Request an Estimate Today for the Service

Aire Serv of Springfield Illinois is committed to providing you with the highest quality care for service. If your ductless mini-split system is malfunctioning, you shouldn't wait days to fix or replace it. When you call our team, we will be there to help you at a time when you need it most. Contact us today to request an estimate or schedule your appointment.

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