Furnace Repairs in Las Cruces

When the days get colder and you switch on your furnace, you might discover that something is not right. Don't wait until the cold weather sets in to realize there's a problem. Contact the trusted HVAC professionals at Aire Serv® of Southern New Mexico.

No matter the type, brand, or efficiency rating of your current furnace, our skilled technicians can uninstall your old unit, help you select a new one, and ensure its proper installation. Keep your family warm this season by taking advantage of our professional furnace replacement services. Don't hesitate any longer - reach out to us for prompt and reliable furnace replacement today.

Schedule an appointment or call us for immediate assistance.

Replacing Your Furnace? Discover 4 Essential Factors to Consider

Your home's heating system is a significant investment. But how do you know when it's time to replace your furnace? Here are four important factors to keep in mind:

  • System Age: If your furnace is over 10 years old, it may not be working efficiently anymore and might benefit from a replacement.
  • Repairs and Maintenance: How often have you needed to repair your furnace? Are the repairs becoming more frequent and costly? Proper maintenance also plays a role in determining if a replacement is the best option.
  • Increase in Energy Costs: Have you noticed a sudden surge in your energy bills? The age of your furnace could be a contributing factor.
  • Comfort Level: Are you struggling to maintain a comfortable temperature in your home despite rising energy bills? Fluctuating temperatures and air escaping from supply registers are signs that it's time for a new furnace.

Still unsure whether to repair or replace? Consult with Aire Serv® of Southern New Mexico professionals. Our experts can provide guidance on furnace replacement and help you choose the right unit for your specific needs. Trust us to give you actionable advice when it matters most.

Explore Best Furnace and Heating System Options for Your Home

When it comes to keeping your home warm and cozy, furnaces are a popular choice for a reason. They provide reliable heating, offer low operating costs, and can last for up to 20 years with proper maintenance. But with so many options available, it's important to know what's right for you before making a commitment.

If natural gas isn't available in your area, electric furnaces are an excellent alternative. These units are not only affordable, but they also provide reliable heating for your home. While your electric bills may increase slightly, you can trust that your home will stay warm.

On the other hand, oil furnaces are a viable option to consider. They tend to cost less than gas furnaces, but keep in mind that fluctuating oil prices can make it challenging to budget for energy costs. To explore more furnace options for homeowners, read our informative blog post: "Things to Consider If You Are Buying a New Furnace."

Choosing a Furnace Replacement: What You Need to Know

When it comes to finding the right furnace replacement service, there are a few key factors to keep in mind. Your location and climate will play a role in determining the best replacement unit for you. If you rely more on heating than cooling, a high-efficiency option is worth considering.

Take a look at your existing system and consider what improvements you'd like to see. If you're interested in adding air conditioning, a heat pump might be a better choice than a furnace, depending on your climate. For homes without ductwork, a boiler is a more affordable option.

Benefits of an Energy-Efficient Furnace Replacement

Energy-efficient furnace replacements are becoming increasingly popular for a good reason. As heating and cooling costs continue to rise, people are seeking affordable alternatives. Upgrading to a more energy-efficient model can provide significant energy savings, resulting in lower overall costs. 

In addition to cost savings, energy-efficient furnaces also provide total home comfort. They are highly effective at keeping you and your loved ones warm throughout the winter. Expect consistent temperatures in every room and say goodbye to uncomfortable drafts.

Lastly, choosing an energy-efficient furnace replacement is an eco-friendly choice. These models use fewer natural resources and produce fewer harmful emissions. If you're looking to reduce your environmental impact, a high energy-efficiency rating is definitely worth considering.

When it's time to replace your furnace, make sure to prioritize energy-efficiency and total home comfort. By selecting the right unit, you can save money, stay cozy, and help the planet all at once.

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