Ductless Split AC System Services in Bentonville, AR

Bentonville, AR’s HVAC & Ductless Split AC System Services

Aire Serv tech arriving to work on ductless split AC system When your ductless mini split AC system isn't working properly, trust our team to take care of you. We understand that running a damaged mini-split system can cause significant damage to your unit. Aire Serv of Northwest Arkansas provides ductless split AC system repair and replacement services in Bentonville, AR. Our team of proficient service professionals is at your service, offering superior assistance whenever your AC unit ceases to work properly. Our routine check-ups and repair services ensure your comfortable living remains uninterrupted. We're committed to maintaining your system's regular functionality. Reach out to schedule your service appointment today.  

Serving All Types of Ductless Split Systems  

We cater to an array of ductless split system models, ensuring you get serviced by a well-trained team of experts. We enlist highly skilled personnel to ensure seamless system operation throughout the year. Regardless of the size, type, or situation, we're always available to assist. Here's a rundown of the units we can repair: 

  • Single-zone units 
  • Multi-zone units 
  • Wall-mounted units 

Your Go-To for Expert Split System AC Repairs  

Your house may get too hot to handle if there's excessive humidity or malfunctioning parts in your AC or if your mini-split system breaks down. Operating a defective system can further complicate issues, which can result in escalating costs. If you identify any problems with your unit, do not delay its inspection. You can trust us to quickly determine the issue and offer an effective solution.  

Professional Ductless Mini-Split System Repair 

Our team is capable of handling various kinds of ductless AC repairs. When your mini-split isn’t properly operating, the most common culprit is a buildup of debris or dust on the indoor unit filters. We recommend cleaning these filters once or twice monthly. Some of the other ductless mini-split system repair issues we service include:  

  • Short-cycling 
  • Blocked drain lines 
  • Electrical connectivity troubles  
  • Deficient or broken thermostat  
  • Water or coolant leaks  
  • Freezing of coils  
  • Inefficient or broken fan  

Do I Need a Mini Split AC Replacement? 

If you've had to call for multiple repairs and costs are mounting, it might be time for a complete ductless AC replacement. We'll guide you in selecting a suitable unit that is as good as or superior to the one you're using. Upon installation, we'll take care of disposing of your old unit. Here are some signs you might need a system replacement:  

  • Significant drop in efficiency  
  • Major leakages  
  • Old age (10-20 years)  

FAQs About Ductless Split AC Systems 

At Aire Serv of Northwest Arkansas, we believe in keeping our clients well-informed about our work procedures and services. We're more than happy to answer any queries regarding our services so you understand what to anticipate before scheduling. Here are some common questions we encounter 

How do I clean mini-split filters? 

Mini-split filters are easy to clean. The steps to clean them include:  

  1. Switch off the unit.  
  2. Open the front panel and gently extract the plastic mesh filters.  
  3. Mildly rinse them under warm water to remove dust and dirt. Stubborn grime can be removed with a mild detergent if needed.  
  4. Let the filters air dry completely post-cleaning before reinstating them into the units. Monthly cleaning or when considerable dirt is noticed is recommended.  

Why is my ductless mini-split not cooling?  

If your mini-split system isn’t cooling, reach out to us. We will perform an inspection on your system. Several factors could cause this issue, including:  

  • Refrigerant leakage  
  • Thermostat discrepancies  
  • Clogged filters  
  • Icy evaporator coils  

Why is my mini-split icing over? 

Mini-split systems might freeze due to a couple of reasons. One could be deficient refrigerant levels, which play a crucial role in heat absorption. If the refrigerant level is low, your mini-split needs to overwork to cool the air, leading to freezing. Dirty condenser coils could also lead to overworking and freezing as your unit can't function efficiently.  

Contact Aire Serv of Northwest Arkansas 

Aire Serv of Northwest Arkansas strives to deliver exceptional service quality. If your ductless mini-split system has issues, we are here for fast repairs or a replacement. We understand the importance of comfort in your home. Our team is ready to assist when you require our services the most. Contact us today to schedule an appointment or request an estimate. 

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