Aire Serv of Lake Geneva Air Quality Services

The air quality in a home or business often determines the comfort of your friends, family, customers, clients, and employees. Aire Serv® of Lake Geneva offers various air quality services, including indoor air quality improvements.

Because your air quality may not be what you expect it to be, we are here to help with your home’s overall air quality by showing you how to improve and maintain healthy indoor air quality levels.

aire serv air quality inspection

Air Purification Services

After our indoor air quality expert conducts a thorough indoor air quality assessment, they will recommend air purification services. Our air purification services include treatments and methods to help remove allergens from your home, improving indoor air quality. First, we offer the best air quality testing services, followed by high-quality filters and purification treatment options.

Indoor Air Quality Services

At Aire Serv, we offer indoor air quality testing, helping detect allergens and irritants in your home. We are the company to call for residents and business owners looking for the best air quality testing in Lake Geneva. We also provide information on how to check your air quality and help with air purification needs.

Installing and Replacing Air Filters

Part of our air quality services includes installing and replacing air filters. We will replace your air filters based on manufacturer recommendations. When needed, we are here to help check air filters and replace various filters, including HEPA, UV light, washable, pleated, and electrostatic filters.

aire serv indoor air quality test

Air Quality FAQs

Aire Serv offers the best air quality services for residents in the Lake Geneva area, and we receive many questions from our clients.

We are here to answer your questions and have compiled a list of some of our most frequently asked questions. If you still have questions, contact us to request an appointment with an air quality specialist.

What is air quality?

The U.S. Environmental Protection Act (EPA) states that air quality is the term used to represent the quality of the air we breathe within and around buildings concerning how it impacts the health and comfort of occupants.

Why is indoor air quality important?

Indoor air quality is vital to ensuring we breathe healthy air because poor air quality can harm our health. Additionally, indoor air pollution can cause occupants to be uncomfortable and often feel ill.

How to test air quality in your home

You can purchase several detectors from a local hardware store to test the air quality in your home. However, you can always call Aire Serv of Lake Geneva to come out for an air quality test if needed.

How to improve indoor air quality

Investing in an air purifier can help remove contaminants from the air, and changing HVAC air filters regularly can also help improve indoor air quality.

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