Professional Furnace Repair Services in Broomfield, CO

Furnace Repairs & Replacement Services

Colder air means it's time to turn on the furnace. It's not uncommon to discover issues with your furnace when you first turn it on. Many homeowners only realize there's a problem when the cold weather arrives. Aire Serv of the Front Range provides furnace repair and replacement services in Broomfield, CO. Whether you have an old furnace, a different brand, or one with a different efficiency rating, our experienced technicians can remove your existing unit, assist you in selecting a new furnace, and ensure its proper installation. With our help, you and your family will stay warm throughout the season. If you've been searching for nearby furnace replacement services, don't delay. Contact us to schedule furnace services.

Male Aire Serv tech with tool bag arriving for residential furnace repair service.

Types of Furnace and Heating Systems

Furnaces are heating devices used to generate heat. They come in different types, each with its own unique features and capabilities. Some common types of furnaces include:

Electric Furnace

Unlike forced air furnaces, electric furnaces use heating elements instead of a combustion chamber to generate heat.

Gas Furnace

A gas furnace uses natural gas or propane as its fuel source and is known for its high efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

Oil Furnace

Similar to gas furnaces, oil furnaces also use a combustion chamber to generate heat but use oil as their fuel source.

Does My Furnace Need Repairs?

Your furnace is one of the most important appliances in your home, especially during cold winter months. It keeps you and your family warm and comfortable when temperatures drop. A furnace can develop problems over time and may require repairs. Some of the most common signs your furnace needs repairs include:

Loud or unusual noises

If your furnace is making loud, banging, or rattling noises, it could be a sign of a mechanical issue.

Increasing energy bills

If you have noticed a significant increase in your energy bills without any changes in usage, it could mean that your furnace is not working efficiently and needs repairs.

Uneven heating

If you notice some rooms are cooler than other, it could indicate there is an issue with your furnace.

Yellow burner flame

 A yellow or flickering flame instead of a steady blue one can indicate a carbon monoxide leak and should be checked immediately.

Frequent cycling

If your furnace turns on and off frequently, it could be due to a faulty thermostat or a problem with the blower motor.

Strange smells

If you notice a musty or burning smell coming from your furnace, it could mean there is an issue with the electrical components or a gas leak. 

Most Common Furnace Problems

When you notice signs of a failing furnace, don't hesitate to contact our team. Some of the most common furnace issues include: 

  • Lack of maintenance 
  • Faulty ignition systems
  • Gas supply problems
  • Malfunctioning thermostat 
  • Pilot light failure
  • Failure of the furnace's mechanical components
  • Blockages in the furnace vents

Furnace Repairs vs. replacement 

Our experienced Aire Serv of the Front Range service professionals will assess your furnace issue and determine a solution. We may recommend a furnace replacement for the following reasons: 

System Age

 If your furnace has been in service for more than a decade, chances are it's not operating at peak efficiency and might need replacement to ensure optimal performance.

Ongoing Repairs and Maintenance

Evaluate the frequency and cost of repairs your system has undergone. If your furnace faces frequent repairs with rising costs, it may be time to replace it. 

Increase in Energy Costs

 If you've observed a rise in your energy bills or consistently higher heating expenses, it could be attributed to the age of your furnace. An older system may not be as energy-efficient, leading to increased costs over time.

Comfort Level

If you're experiencing fluctuating temperatures, difficulty meeting heating demands, or cold air escaping through supply registers, it may be a definite sign that it's time for a new furnace.

Contact Aire Serv of the Front Range

Aire Serv of the Front Range provides comprehensive HVAC services in Broomfield and Erie, CO. We quickly address your furnace and heating issues and offer an estimate on our services. We recommend ongoing maintenance services to increase the lifespan and health of your furnace. Our skilled service professionals can help you understand your issues and provide effective solutions. Contact our team today to get an estimate on our furnace repairs and replacement services.

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