Stay Warm With a New, Better Performing Furnace

Aire Serv of Central & West Houston has a long history as an HVAC specialist with exceptional heating and cooling solutions in Bellaire, Rice Village, and River Oaks, TX. Furnace replacement is a project virtually every longtime homeowner must deal with as their HVAC system ages. Families rely on their high-functioning furnaces to ensure they stay warm when the temperatures drop. If your furnace shows signs of a performance issue, makes strange noises, or causes your utility bill to skyrocket, it’s time to bring in a highly trained and experienced technician. Our HVAC specialists will assess any furnace type, brand, and efficiency rating to determine if repairs or replacement is your best choice. We’ll remove your old furnace, help you choose a new one that’s more energy efficient with better performance, and professionally install it.

How to Know When You Need Furnace Replacement

As your furnace ages, you might face frequent repairs to keep it running as its performance declines. The cost of constant HVAC service and higher energy bills over time far outweighs a furnace replacement cost. Many people don't know when it's time to replace their unit, but many factors contribute to an AC or furnace replacement. Aire Serv of Central & West Houston has spent years caring for HVAC systems and understands the ins and outs of heating units as they get older. While replacing your heating system is expensive, you can gain significant cost savings with a new furnace. There are four factors to consider when determining if you should repair or replace your unit, and we’ve described them below:

  • Age - Your furnace probably doesn’t operate efficiently if it’s over 10 years old.
  • Repair type and frequency - How often does your furnace need repairs, and do you expect your upcoming repairs to be expensive?
  • Your energy bill - If your energy bill is going up, it might be partly due to your older furnace.
  • Comfort - Your home might not stay at a comfortable temperature while your monthly utility bills keep increasing. An aging or poorly performing furnace may be unable to keep up with your heating demands, produce uneven temperatures, or let freezing air escape your supply registers.

What Types of Furnaces Do People Use?

Furnaces are a longtime favorite heating system for homeowners and business owners. Aire Serv of Central & West Houston has experience repairing and replacing various furnace types people use to stay warm during the winter months. Whichever type your household relies on, our technicians understand its benefits and negatives and how these elements affect your comfort and heating costs. We’ve described the three main furnace options people invest in to heat their indoor spaces:

  • Gas furnaces - These furnaces are the most common type and have low operating costs.
  • Electric furnaces - If natural gas isn't available in a home or business, electric furnaces are suitable heating units and a popular alternative.
  • Oil furnaces - We recommend oil furnaces as another suitable alternative if your home doesn’t have natural gas.

Benefits of an Energy-Efficient Furnace Replacement

If you’re considering furnace replacement service, Aire Serv of Central & West Houston strongly recommends investing in an energy-efficient model. These contemporary systems offer various benefits to homeowners and the planet. Our technicians will install your new furnace quickly and carefully to ensure it performs optimally and helps you keep even temperatures around your home while impacting your energy bills and carbon footprint. Energy-efficient furnaces are an exceptional heating option because of the following benefits:

  • Energy savings - Upgrading your older, mediocre-efficiency furnace to a new, better-performing, energy-efficient model provides immediate and substantial savings on your monthly energy bills through the colder season.
  • Better home comfort - The features making a furnace highly efficient also let it perform better than older models and keep your family warm and comfortable. You can expect even temperatures in every room and fewer drafts diminishing your comfort level.
  • Protecting the environment - Energy-efficient furnaces use less natural gas and release fewer emissions that harm the environment while keeping you and your family warm.

Schedule Furnace Solutions in River Oaks, TX

Aire Serv of Central & West Houston covers your home comfort and energy savings with unbeatable HVAC solutions, upfront pricing, no overtime charge, and service anytime you need it. We built our business on a “fixed right” promise. If our technicians perform any service incorrectly, we’ll redo that service at no charge to you within 60 days of your original service date. Don’t let an aging furnace leave you shivering indoors during a cold spell. Let us replace your furnace with a new, high-efficiency model to lower your energy bills and keep your family comfortable. Contact us today to request a quote and schedule service in River Oaks, Bellaire, or Rice Village, TX.